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Query Inventory Activities

Get a list of your item inventory activities by query parameters.

  • URL: {API root URL}/inventory-activities?{query}
  • Method: GET


URL Parameters

Parameter NameRequiredData TypeDescription
PageSizeYIntegerSpecify how many records to return in single call, up to 200.
PageNumberYIntegerSpecify which page you are querying, starts from 1.
StartActivityTimeYDateTimeThe start date & time of the inventory activity, based on UTC.
EndActivityTimeYDateTimeThe end date & time of the inventory activity, based on UTC.
WarehouseCode StringSpecify the warehouse you want to query the inventory data, value could be “USCA01” or “USNJ01”, empty means querying all application warehouses.
SKU StringThe SKU number you want to match the item for the inventory activity query.
WMSTransactionNumber StringThe unique transaction number in Best Inc. warehouse to indicate the item inventory activity.
ActivityType StringSpecify the types of inventory activity as below available values (not case sensitive), if you want to query by multiple activity types, please send multiple ActivityTypes parameter with different values.
· AsnUpdated. The inventory change by ASN revision after completion.
· AsnClosed. The inventory change by an ASN receiving completion.
· AsnPutaway. Move received inventory from the receiving zone to an optimal location for storage.
· AsnCancelled. The inventory change by an ASN cancellation.
· ConditionTransfer. The inventory change by SKU condition change between Good, Damage, or Expired.
· ManualAdjust. The inventory change by any manual adjustment in warehouse.
· OrderCancelled. The inventory change by an order cancellation.
· OrderCreated. The inventory change by a new order creation.
· OrderCreateReversed. The inventory change by a new order creation reverse.
· OrderShipped. The inventory change after order is shipped out.
· OrderUpdated. The inventory change by an order modification.
· ProductionIn. The inventory change for the source item in after a production order is completed.
· ProductionOut. The inventory change for the destination item in after a production order is completed.
· Quarantined. Inventory is reserved or on hold for different reasons.
· WmsInventoryConsolidation. The inventory change by a system inventory data sync action.


Attribute List

Element NameData TypeDescription
TotalCountIntegerThe count of returned records.
PageNumberIntegerSame value in request body.
PageSizeIntegerSame value in request body.
PageCountIntegerIndicate the total page count based the total record count and the page size.
ResultArray<Object>The inventory data list.
Result/WarehouseCodeStringThe warehouse for the invenory activity.
Result/SKUStringThe number of the SKU.
Result/AvailableDeltaIntegerThe quantity change on Available quantity, positive number means quantity increase, negative number means decrease.
Result/AllocatedDeltaIntegerThe quantity change on Allocated quantity, positive number means quantity increase, negative number means decrease.
Result/QuarantinedDeltaIntegerThe quantity change on Quarantined quantity, positive number means quantity increase, negative number means decrease.
Result/DiscrepancyDeltaIntegerThe quantity change on Discrepancy quantity, positive number means quantity increase, negative number means decrease.
Data/DuePutAwayDeltaIntegerThe quantity change on DuePutAway quantity, positive number means quantity increase, negative number means decrease.
Result/ExtraDeltaIntegerThe quantity change on Extra quantity, positive number means quantity increase, negative number means decrease.
Result/MissingDeltaIntegerThe quantity change on Missing quantity, positive number means quantity increase, negative number means decrease.
Result/ActivityTypeStringThe type of the ivnentory activity.
Result/ActivityReferenceStringAny reference number for current inventory activity.
Result/WmsTransactionNumberStringThe unique transaction number in Best Inc. warehouse refer to current inventory activity.
Result/ActivityTimeStringThe date and time of the inventory activity.
Result/SubtypeStringThe detailed type information of the inventory activity, value varies for different activity type.
Result/ReasonStringThe reason text for the inventory activity, only available for activity type “ManualAdjust”.
Result/Note String

Response Example

    "totalCount": 19,
    "pageNumber": 1,
    "pageSize": 3,
    "pageCount": 7,
    "result": [
            "customerCode": "USTEST",
            "warehouseCode": "USCA01",
            "sku": "SKU1",
            "availableDelta": -2,
            "allocatedDelta": 2,
            "quarantinedDelta": 0,
            "discrepancyDelta": 0,
            "duePutAwayDelta": 0,
            "extraDelta": 0,
            "missingDelta": 0,
            "activityType": "OrderCreated",
            "activityReference": "T463498",
            "activityTime": "2020-07-24T14:42:19-07:00"
            "customerCode": "USTEST",
            "warehouseCode": "USCA01",
            "sku": "LFT005",
            "availableDelta": 0,
            "allocatedDelta": -1,
            "quarantinedDelta": 0,
            "discrepancyDelta": 0,
            "duePutAwayDelta": 0,
            "extraDelta": 0,
            "missingDelta": 0,
            "activityType": "OrderShipped",
            "activityReference": "LF721-HONLY2-S-Y",
            "wmsTransactionNumber": "S001075335",
            "activityTime": "2020-07-24T05:42:41-07:00"
            "customerCode": "USTEST",
            "warehouseCode": "USCA01",
            "sku": "SKU1",
            "availableDelta": -2,
            "allocatedDelta": 2,
            "quarantinedDelta": 0,
            "discrepancyDelta": 0,
            "duePutAwayDelta": 0,
            "extraDelta": 0,
            "missingDelta": 0,
            "activityType": "OrderCreated",
            "activityReference": "T463746",
            "activityTime": "2020-07-23T23:25:15-07:00"
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