Query Inventory Activities
Get a list of your item inventory activities by query parameters.
- URL: {API root URL}/inventory-activities?{query}
- Method: GET
URL Parameters
Parameter Name | Required | Data Type | Description |
PageSize | Y | Integer | Specify how many records to return in single call, up to 200. |
PageNumber | Y | Integer | Specify which page you are querying, starts from 1. |
StartActivityTime | Y | DateTime | The start date & time of the inventory activity, based on UTC. |
EndActivityTime | Y | DateTime | The end date & time of the inventory activity, based on UTC. |
WarehouseCode | String | Specify the warehouse you want to query the inventory data, value could be “USCA01” or “USNJ01”, empty means querying all application warehouses. | |
SKU | String | The SKU number you want to match the item for the inventory activity query. | |
WMSTransactionNumber | String | The unique transaction number in Best Inc. warehouse to indicate the item inventory activity. | |
ActivityType | String | Specify the types of inventory activity as below available values (not case sensitive), if you want to query by multiple activity types, please send multiple ActivityTypes parameter with different values. · AsnUpdated. The inventory change by ASN revision after completion. · AsnClosed. The inventory change by an ASN receiving completion. · AsnPutaway. Move received inventory from the receiving zone to an optimal location for storage. · AsnCancelled. The inventory change by an ASN cancellation. · ConditionTransfer. The inventory change by SKU condition change between Good, Damage, or Expired. · ManualAdjust. The inventory change by any manual adjustment in warehouse. · OrderCancelled. The inventory change by an order cancellation. · OrderCreated. The inventory change by a new order creation. · OrderCreateReversed. The inventory change by a new order creation reverse. · OrderShipped. The inventory change after order is shipped out. · OrderUpdated. The inventory change by an order modification. · ProductionIn. The inventory change for the source item in after a production order is completed. · ProductionOut. The inventory change for the destination item in after a production order is completed. · Quarantined. Inventory is reserved or on hold for different reasons. · WmsInventoryConsolidation. The inventory change by a system inventory data sync action. |
Attribute List
Element Name | Data Type | Description |
TotalCount | Integer | The count of returned records. |
PageNumber | Integer | Same value in request body. |
PageSize | Integer | Same value in request body. |
PageCount | Integer | Indicate the total page count based the total record count and the page size. |
Result | Array<Object> | The inventory data list. |
Result/CustomerCode | String | |
Result/WarehouseCode | String | The warehouse for the invenory activity. |
Result/SKU | String | The number of the SKU. |
Result/AvailableDelta | Integer | The quantity change on Available quantity, positive number means quantity increase, negative number means decrease. |
Result/AllocatedDelta | Integer | The quantity change on Allocated quantity, positive number means quantity increase, negative number means decrease. |
Result/QuarantinedDelta | Integer | The quantity change on Quarantined quantity, positive number means quantity increase, negative number means decrease. |
Result/DiscrepancyDelta | Integer | The quantity change on Discrepancy quantity, positive number means quantity increase, negative number means decrease. |
Data/DuePutAwayDelta | Integer | The quantity change on DuePutAway quantity, positive number means quantity increase, negative number means decrease. |
Result/ExtraDelta | Integer | The quantity change on Extra quantity, positive number means quantity increase, negative number means decrease. |
Result/MissingDelta | Integer | The quantity change on Missing quantity, positive number means quantity increase, negative number means decrease. |
Result/ActivityType | String | The type of the ivnentory activity. |
Result/ActivityReference | String | Any reference number for current inventory activity. |
Result/WmsTransactionNumber | String | The unique transaction number in Best Inc. warehouse refer to current inventory activity. |
Result/ActivityTime | String | The date and time of the inventory activity. |
Result/Subtype | String | The detailed type information of the inventory activity, value varies for different activity type. |
Result/Reason | String | The reason text for the inventory activity, only available for activity type “ManualAdjust”. |
Result/Note | String |
Response Example
{ "totalCount": 19, "pageNumber": 1, "pageSize": 3, "pageCount": 7, "result": [ { "customerCode": "USTEST", "warehouseCode": "USCA01", "sku": "SKU1", "availableDelta": -2, "allocatedDelta": 2, "quarantinedDelta": 0, "discrepancyDelta": 0, "duePutAwayDelta": 0, "extraDelta": 0, "missingDelta": 0, "activityType": "OrderCreated", "activityReference": "T463498", "activityTime": "2020-07-24T14:42:19-07:00" }, { "customerCode": "USTEST", "warehouseCode": "USCA01", "sku": "LFT005", "availableDelta": 0, "allocatedDelta": -1, "quarantinedDelta": 0, "discrepancyDelta": 0, "duePutAwayDelta": 0, "extraDelta": 0, "missingDelta": 0, "activityType": "OrderShipped", "activityReference": "LF721-HONLY2-S-Y", "wmsTransactionNumber": "S001075335", "activityTime": "2020-07-24T05:42:41-07:00" }, { "customerCode": "USTEST", "warehouseCode": "USCA01", "sku": "SKU1", "availableDelta": -2, "allocatedDelta": 2, "quarantinedDelta": 0, "discrepancyDelta": 0, "duePutAwayDelta": 0, "extraDelta": 0, "missingDelta": 0, "activityType": "OrderCreated", "activityReference": "T463746", "activityTime": "2020-07-23T23:25:15-07:00" } ] }