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Query Inventory Batch Info

Get a list of your item inventory data with batch information by query parameters.

  • URL: {API root URL}/inventorybatch?{query}
  • Method: GET


URL Parameters

Parameter NameRequiredData TypeDescription
PageSizeYIntegerSpecify how many records to return in single call, up to 200.
PageNumberYIntegerSpecify which page you are querying, starts from 1.
WarehouseCode StringSpecify the warehouse you want to query the inventory data, value could be “USCA01” or “USNJ01”, empty means querying all applicable warehouses.
SKU StringThe SKU number of the item, match items when SKU number starts with the keyword.
BatchNumber StringThe batch number of the item, match item inventory data when batch number starts with the keyword.
startMfgDate StringThe start date for query inventory batch using manufactured date, acceptable format: MM-DD-YYYY.
endMfgDate StringThe end date for query inventory batch using manufactured date, acceptable format: MM-DD-YYYY.
startExpDate StringThe start date for query inventory batch using expiration date, acceptable format: MM-DD-YYYY.
endExpDate StringThe end date for query inventory batch using expiration date, acceptable format: MM-DD-YYYY.
Condition StringThe condition of the item inventory, value could be “Good” or “Damaged”.


Attribute List

Element NameData TypeDescription
TotalCountIntegerThe count of returned records.
PageNumberIntegerSame value in request body.
PageSizeIntegerSame value in request body.
PageCountIntegerIndicate the total page count based the total record count and the page size.
ResultArray<Object>The inventory batch data list.
Result/CustomerCodeStringYour unique customer code.
Result/WarehouseCodeStringThe warehouse for the invenory data.
Result/SKUStringThe item number of the SKU.
Result/DescriptionStringThe description of the SKU.
Result/ConditionStringThe condition of the inventory, value could be “Good” or “Damaged”.
Result/BatchNumberStringThe Batch Number of the inventory record when applicable.
Result/MfgDateStringThe Manufacture Date of the inventory record when applicable.
Result/ExpDateStringThe Expiration Date of the inventory record when applicable.
Result/CountryOfOriginStringThe Country of Origin of the inventory record when applicable.
Result/WarehouseOnHandQuantityIntegerThe quantity of the SKU that is available or being in process in the warehouse.
Result/WarehouseOnHoldQuantityIntegerThe quantity of the SKU that is unavailable in the warehouse.

Response Example

    "totalCount": 2,
    "result": [
            "sku": "GP1142",
            "customerCode": "USSAND",
            "warehouseCode": "USCA01",
            "description": "GP1142 - Review",
            "condition": "Good",
            "batchNumber": "210500",
            "mfgDate": "2020-09-10T00:00:00",
            "expDate": "2020-09-14T00:00:00",
            "countryOfOrigin": "CN",
            "warehouseOnHandQuantity": 150,
            "warehouseOnHoldQuantity": 0
            "sku": "GP1142",
            "customerCode": "USSAND",
            "warehouseCode": "USCA01",
            "description": "GP1142 - Review",
            "condition": "Good",
            "batchNumber": "210501",
            "mfgDate": "2021-05-01T00:00:00",
            "expDate": "2022-05-31T00:00:00",
            "countryOfOrigin": "CN",
            "warehouseOnHandQuantity": 48,
            "warehouseOnHoldQuantity": 0
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