Get a list of your item inventory data with batch information by query parameters.
- URL: {API root URL}/inventorybatch?{query}
- Method: GET
URL Parameters
Parameter Name | Required | Data Type | Description |
PageSize | Y | Integer | Specify how many records to return in single call, up to 200. |
PageNumber | Y | Integer | Specify which page you are querying, starts from 1. |
WarehouseCode | | String | Specify the warehouse you want to query the inventory data, value could be “USCA01” or “USNJ01”, empty means querying all applicable warehouses. |
SKU | | String | The SKU number of the item, match items when SKU number starts with the keyword. |
BatchNumber | | String | The batch number of the item, match item inventory data when batch number starts with the keyword. |
startMfgDate | | String | The start date for query inventory batch using manufactured date, acceptable format: MM-DD-YYYY. |
endMfgDate | | String | The end date for query inventory batch using manufactured date, acceptable format: MM-DD-YYYY. |
startExpDate | | String | The start date for query inventory batch using expiration date, acceptable format: MM-DD-YYYY. |
endExpDate | | String | The end date for query inventory batch using expiration date, acceptable format: MM-DD-YYYY. |
Condition | | String | The condition of the item inventory, value could be “Good” or “Damaged”. |
Attribute List
Element Name | Data Type | Description |
TotalCount | Integer | The count of returned records. |
PageNumber | Integer | Same value in request body. |
PageSize | Integer | Same value in request body. |
PageCount | Integer | Indicate the total page count based the total record count and the page size. |
Result | Array<Object> | The inventory batch data list. |
Result/CustomerCode | String | Your unique customer code. |
Result/WarehouseCode | String | The warehouse for the invenory data. |
Result/SKU | String | The item number of the SKU. |
Result/Description | String | The description of the SKU. |
Result/Condition | String | The condition of the inventory, value could be “Good” or “Damaged”. |
Result/BatchNumber | String | The Batch Number of the inventory record when applicable. |
Result/MfgDate | String | The Manufacture Date of the inventory record when applicable. |
Result/ExpDate | String | The Expiration Date of the inventory record when applicable. |
Result/CountryOfOrigin | String | The Country of Origin of the inventory record when applicable. |
Result/WarehouseOnHandQuantity | Integer | The quantity of the SKU that is available or being in process in the warehouse. |
Result/WarehouseOnHoldQuantity | Integer | The quantity of the SKU that is unavailable in the warehouse. |
Response Example
"totalCount": 2,
"result": [
"sku": "GP1142",
"customerCode": "USSAND",
"warehouseCode": "USCA01",
"description": "GP1142 - Review",
"condition": "Good",
"batchNumber": "210500",
"mfgDate": "2020-09-10T00:00:00",
"expDate": "2020-09-14T00:00:00",
"countryOfOrigin": "CN",
"warehouseOnHandQuantity": 150,
"warehouseOnHoldQuantity": 0
"sku": "GP1142",
"customerCode": "USSAND",
"warehouseCode": "USCA01",
"description": "GP1142 - Review",
"condition": "Good",
"batchNumber": "210501",
"mfgDate": "2021-05-01T00:00:00",
"expDate": "2022-05-31T00:00:00",
"countryOfOrigin": "CN",
"warehouseOnHandQuantity": 48,
"warehouseOnHoldQuantity": 0