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Query Inventory Detail

Get a list of your item inventory data by query parameters.

  • URL: {API root URL}/inventory?{query}
  • Method: GET


URL Parameters

Parameter NameRequiredData TypeDescription
CustomerCodeYStringYour unique customer code assigned by Best system.
WarehouseCode StringSpecify the warehouse you want to query the inventory data, value could be “USCA01” or “USNJ01”, empty means querying all applicable warehouses.
Content StringThe keyword you want to match the item for the inventory query, it will match with item’s SKU number, Description and UPC.
ExactMatch BooleanIndicates if the content should exactly match the item or not, default value is false.
IncludeZeroInventory BooleanIndicates if the items with zero inventory should be returned or not, default value is false.


Attribute List

Element NameData TypeDescription
ResultCountIntegerThe count of returned records.
DataArray<Object>The inventory data list.
Data/ItemIdIntegerThe internal ID of the SKU.
Data/CustomerCodeStringYour unique customer code assigned by Best system.
Data/WarehouseCodeStringThe warehouse for the invenory data.
Data/SKUStringThe number of the SKU.
Data/UPCStringThe UPC of the SKU.
Data/NameStringThe description of the SKU.
Data/AvailableQtyIntegerThe available quantity of the SKU in current warehouse.
Data/AllocatedQtyIntegerThe quantity of the SKU that was allocated by all open orders in curernt warehouse.
Data/QuarantinedQtyIntegerThe quantity of the SKU that was quarantined in curernt warehouse.
Data/holdQtyIntegerThe quantity of the SKU that is on hold in current warehouse.
Data/DuePutAwayQtyIntegerThe quantity of the SKU in the ASN which is received by Best Inc. warehouse and waiting for putaway.
Data/DueInQtyIntegerThe quantity of the SKU that was created into an open ASN but not received into Best Warehouse.
Data/MissingQtyInteger The quantity of the inventory difference or shortage of current item.

Response Example

  "resultCount": 2,
  "data": [
      "customerCode": "TEST",
      "itemId": 56267,
      "upc": "336437777444",
      "warehouseCode": "USCA01",
      "sku": "ASDFASDF33",
      "name": "Testing Item Update",
      "availableQty": 50,
      "allocatedQty": 0,
      "quarantinedQty": 0,
      "duePutAwayQty": 0,
      "missingQty": 0
      "customerCode": "TEST",
      "itemId": 56267,
      "upc": "336437777444",
      "warehouseCode": "USNJ01",
      "sku": "ASDFASDF33",
      "name": "Testing Item Update",
      "availableQty": 20,
      "allocatedQty": 5,
      "quarantinedQty": 0,
      "holdQty": 0,
      "duePutAwayQty": 0,
      "missingQty": 0
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