Get a list of your item inventory data by query parameters.
- URL: {API root URL}/inventory?{query}
- Method: GET
URL Parameters
Parameter Name | Required | Data Type | Description |
CustomerCode | Y | String | Your unique customer code assigned by Best system. |
WarehouseCode | | String | Specify the warehouse you want to query the inventory data, value could be “USCA01” or “USNJ01”, empty means querying all applicable warehouses. |
Content | | String | The keyword you want to match the item for the inventory query, it will match with item’s SKU number, Description and UPC. |
ExactMatch | | Boolean | Indicates if the content should exactly match the item or not, default value is false. |
IncludeZeroInventory | | Boolean | Indicates if the items with zero inventory should be returned or not, default value is false. |
Attribute List
Element Name | Data Type | Description |
ResultCount | Integer | The count of returned records. |
Data | Array<Object> | The inventory data list. |
Data/ItemId | Integer | The internal ID of the SKU. |
Data/CustomerCode | String | Your unique customer code assigned by Best system. |
Data/WarehouseCode | String | The warehouse for the invenory data. |
Data/SKU | String | The number of the SKU. |
Data/UPC | String | The UPC of the SKU. |
Data/Name | String | The description of the SKU. |
Data/AvailableQty | Integer | The available quantity of the SKU in current warehouse. |
Data/AllocatedQty | Integer | The quantity of the SKU that was allocated by all open orders in curernt warehouse. |
Data/QuarantinedQty | Integer | The quantity of the SKU that was quarantined in curernt warehouse. |
Data/holdQty | Integer | The quantity of the SKU that is on hold in current warehouse. |
Data/DuePutAwayQty | Integer | The quantity of the SKU in the ASN which is received by Best Inc. warehouse and waiting for putaway. |
Data/DueInQty | Integer | The quantity of the SKU that was created into an open ASN but not received into Best Warehouse. |
Data/MissingQty | Integer | The quantity of the inventory difference or shortage of current item. |
Response Example
"resultCount": 2,
"data": [
"customerCode": "TEST",
"itemId": 56267,
"upc": "336437777444",
"warehouseCode": "USCA01",
"sku": "ASDFASDF33",
"name": "Testing Item Update",
"availableQty": 50,
"allocatedQty": 0,
"quarantinedQty": 0,
"duePutAwayQty": 0,
"missingQty": 0
"customerCode": "TEST",
"itemId": 56267,
"upc": "336437777444",
"warehouseCode": "USNJ01",
"sku": "ASDFASDF33",
"name": "Testing Item Update",
"availableQty": 20,
"allocatedQty": 5,
"quarantinedQty": 0,
"holdQty": 0,
"duePutAwayQty": 0,
"missingQty": 0