Kit Item Creation
Create Kit SKUS into Best system:
- BOM. Pre-assembled kit, warehouse will need to assemble all components to Kit SKU before creating order, inventory quantity will be transferred from component SKU to kit SKU accordingly.
- SetMaster. Regular bundle which doesn’t require assemble related components, inventory is still maintained by component SKU. Customer is able to create order by the bundle SKU but warehouse will fulfill by the component SKU.
URL: {API root URL}/items/kits
Method: POST
Attribute List
Element Name | Required | Data Type | Description |
CustomerCode | Y | String | Your unique customer code assigned by Best system. |
SKU | Y | String | The SKU number of your kit. If your KitType is BOM, please always create your Kit SKU by Item Creation API before you creating the Kit structure by current API. |
Description | Y | String | The description of your kit. |
KitType | Y | String | Indicate the type of your Kit, 2 available values as below: BOM. Pre-assembled kit, warehouse will need to assemble all components to Kit SKU before creating order, inventory quantity will be transferred from component SKU to kit SKU accordingly. SetMaster. Regular bundle which doesn’t require assemble related components, inventory is still maintained by component SKU. Customer is able to create order by the bundle SKU but warehouse will fulfill by the component SKU. Important! Kit Type cannot be changed once the item is created with transactions. |
Category | * | String | A proper value to indicate the category of your Kit. It’s required for BOM. Please always contact your dedicated AM to predefine your Item Category in Best system before you apply it into your SKU. |
Components | Y | Array<Object> | The component SKU list for current Kit. |
Components/SKU | Y | String | The SKU number of the component item. It’s required to be Enabled status to create into Kit structure. |
Components/Qty | Y | Integer | The quantity of the component item. |
Components/componentItemUnitPrice | Y | Decimal | Specify the price of each component item in the same kit. This value will be used to create the commercial invoice for all international shipments. |
Request Example
{ "customerCode": "USSAND", "sku": "setmaster-test-001", "description": "This is a Set Master SKU", "kitType": "SetMaster", "components": [ { "sku": "C001", "componentItemUnitPrice":9.50, "qty":1 }, { "sku": "C002", "componentItemUnitPrice":10.75, "qty": 1 } ] }
Attribute List
Element Name | Data Type | Description |
Id | Integer | The internal ID of the Kit |
CustomerCode | String | Your unique customer code assigned by Best system. |
SKU | String | The SKU number of your kit |
Description | String | The description of your kit item |
KitType | String | Indicate the type of your Kit item you specified. |
Category | String | The value you specified. |
Status | String | The status of current Kit item. Available values: Enabled and Disabled |
Components | Array<Object> | |
Components/Id | Integer | Reserved for future use |
Components/SKU | String | The SKU number of the component item. |
Components/Qty | Integer | The specified quantity of the component item. |
Components/componentItemUnitPrice | Decimal | The specified price of each component item in the same kit. This value will be used to create the commercial invoice for all international shipments. |
Components/Status | String | The current status of current component item. |
Response Example
{ "id": 70517, "customerCode": "USSAND", "sku": "SETMASTER-TEST-001", "description": "This is a Set Master SKU", "status": "Enabled", "components": [ { "id": 69733, "sku": "C001", "status": "Enabled", "qty": 1, "componentItemUnitPrice": 9.5 }, { "id": 69734, "sku": "C002", "status": "Enabled", "qty": 1, "componentItemUnitPrice": 10.75 } ], "kitType": "SetMaster" }