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Query Kit List

Get a list of your kit items with detailed information.

  • URL: {API root URL}/items/kits?{query}
  • Method: GET


URL Parameters

Parameter NameRequiredData TypeDescription
CustomerCodeYStringYour unique customer code assigned by Best system.
SKU StringThe number of the Kit master SKU.
KitType StringBOM or SetMaster.


Attribute List

Element NameData TypeDescription
ResultCountIntegerThe count of returned records.
DataArray<Object>The Kit list.
Data/MasterItemIdIntegerThe internal ID of the Kit Master SKU.
Data/MasterItemSKUStringThe number of the Kit Master SKU.
Data/MasterItemDescriptionStringThe description of the Kit Master SKU.
Data/StatusStringStatus of the Kit Master SKU, value will be “Enabled” or “Disabled”.
Data/Components/ComponentItemIdIntegerThe internal ID of the component SKU
Data/Components/ComponentItemSKUStringThe number of the component SKU
Data/Components/ComponentItemDescriptionStringThe description of the component SKU
Data/Components/ComponentQtyIntegerThe quantity of the component SKU
Data/Components/componentItemUnitPriceDecimalSpecify the price of each component item in the same kit. This value will be used to create the commercial invoice for all international shipments.

Response Example

    "resultCount": 1,
    "data": [
            "masterItemId": 70517,
            "masterItemSku": "SETMASTER-TEST-001",
            "masterItemDescription": "This is a Set Master SKU",
            "customerCode": "USSAND",
            "kitType": "SetMaster",
            "status": "Enabled",
            "components": [
                    "componentItemId": 69733,
                    "componentItemSku": "C001",
                    "componentItemDescription": "TEST ITEM",
                    "componentQty": 1,
                    "componentItemUnitPrice": 9.99
                    "componentItemId": 69734,
                    "componentItemSku": "C002",
                    "componentItemDescription": "TEST ITEM",
                    "componentQty": 1,
                    "componentItemUnitPrice": 9.99
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