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Notification Type- Order Error

Once an error applies when you upload order into Best Inc. system, an Order Error notification will be generated accordingly and available to be accessed by any notification API.

When you pull an Order Error notification, the special content under data node will be provided, refer to following section for details.

Notification Data

Attribute List

Element NameData TypeDescription
Data/ReasonStringThe detail error message


The following example will be returned for Get Notification of Order Error

    "id": 116137,
    "eventType": "OrderRoutingRequest",
    "eventTime": "2019-08-18T21:05:15+00:00",
    "customerCode": "TEST",
    "warehouseCode": "USNJ01",
    "transactionId": 1092748,
    "transactionNumber": "ST0113221",
    "data": {
        "reason": "One or more validation errors have occurred. Please review the request and try 
    again. Please refer to the details for more information [reference# AV9DPES] 
    SHIPPER_ACCOUNT_NUMBER_REQUIRED: ShipperCarrierAccount is required when BillingType is Owner"
    "status": "Acknowledged",
    "acknowledgedTime": "2020-08-18T21:10:44-05:00"
Previous Notification Type- Order Routing
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