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Notification Type- Order Routing

For the “Routing” type order, after it’s packed and palletized in Best Inc. warehouse, an order routing request notification will be generated accordingly and available to be accessed by any notification API.

When you pull an Order Routing Request notification, the special content under data node will be provided, refer to following section for details.

Notification Data

Attribute List

Element NameData TypeDescription
Data/OrderNumberStringSpecified unique number to identify your order.
Data/PONumberStringSpecified unique number to identify the purchase order if available.
Data/SalesChannelStringThe name of the sales channel or retailer of the order.
Data/TotalPalletCountIntegerShipped total quantity for pallet
Data/TotalCartonCountIntegerShipped total quantity for carton
Data/TotalWeightDecimalShipment total weight
Data/WeightUnitStringAlways “Pound”
Data/PackagesArray<Object>The package list of the order.
Data/Packages/IdIntegerThe internal ID of the package.
Data/Packages/PackageNumberStringPackage number.
Data/Packages/PackageSSCCStringThe SSCC (Serial Shipping Container Code) of the current package.
Data/Packages/BoxCodeStringThe packing material used for the package.
Data/Packages/LengthDecimalPackage dimension: Length
Data/Packages/WidthDecimalPackage dimension: Width
Data/Packages/HeightDecimalPackage dimension: Height
Data/Packages/LengthUnitStringValue is always “Inch” right now.
Data/Packages/WeightDecimalPackage total weight
Data/Packages/WeightUnitStringValue is always “Pound” right now.
Data/Packages/DetailsArray<Object>The SKU list in the package.
Data/Packages/Details/IdIntegerThe internal ID of the record.
Data/Packages/Details/SKUStringThe number of the SKU.
Data/Packages/Details/QuantityIntegerThe quantty of the SKU.
Data/PalletsArray<Object>The pallet list of the order.
Data/Pallets/IdIntegerThe internal ID of the pallet.
Data/Pallets/PalletNumberStringThe pallet ID number of the pallet.
Data/Pallets/PalletSSCCStringThe SSCC (Serial Shipping Container Code) of the current pallet.
Data/Pallets/LengthDecimalPallet dimension: Length
Data/Pallets/WidthDecimalPallet dimension: Width
Data/Pallets/HeightDecimalPallet dimension: Height
Data/Pallets/LengthUnitStringValue is always “Inch” right now.
Data/Pallets/WeightDecimalPallet total weight
Data/Pallets/WeightUnitStringValue is always “Pound” right now.
Data/Pallets/CartonCountIntegerThe quantity of the packages that is included in this pallet
Data/Pallets/PackageNumbersArray<String>The package numbers that is included in the current pallet.


The following example will be returned for Get Notification of Order Routing

    "id": 116137,
    "eventType": "OrderRoutingRequest",
    "eventTime": "2019-08-18T21:05:15+00:00",
    "customerCode": "TEST",
    "warehouseCode": "USNJ01",
    "transactionId": 1092748,
    "transactionNumber": "ST0113221",
    "data": {
        "orderNumber": "K734537",
        "poNumber": "P233677",
        "salesChannel": "Sephora",
        "totalPalletCount": 1,
        "totalCartonCount": 2,
        "totalWeight": 88.8,
        "weightUnit": "Pound",
        "packages": [
              "id": 69294,
              "packageNumber": "ST0113221-01",
              "packageSSCC": "00008595280000000467",
              "boxCode": "SK-53125",
              "length": 48.0,
              "width": 41.0,
              "height": 23.0,
              "lengthUnit": "Inch",
              "weight": 48.4,
              "weightUnit": "Pound",
              "details": [
                    "id": 97105,
                    "sku": "U5536708",
                    "quantity": 20
                    "id": 97136,
                    "sku": "U5536996",
                    "quantity": 40
              "id": 69294,
              "packageNumber": "ST0113221-02",
              "packageSSCC": "00008595280000000468",
              "boxCode": "SK-53125",
              "length": 46.0,
              "width": 34.0,
              "height": 16.0,
              "lengthUnit": "Inch",
              "weight": 40.4,
              "weightUnit": "Pound",
              "details": [
                    "id": 97105,
                    "sku": "U5536708",
                    "quantity": 80
        "pallets": [
               "id": 1071,
               "palletNumber": "PLT-ST0113221-01",
               "palletSSCC": "00008595280000000029",
               "length": 48.0,
               "width": 40.0,
               "height": 40.0,
               "lengthUnit": "Inch",
               "weight": 88.8,
               "weightUnit": "Pound",
               "cartonCount": 2,
               "packageNumbers": [
    "status": "Acknowledged",
    "acknowledgedTime": "2020-08-18T21:10:44-05:00"
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