Query Notifications
Query your order related notifications from Best Inc. system.
- URL: {API root URL}/notifications/list?{query}
- Method: GET
Please note: For all notification APIs, a notification subscriber key is required in the request header by name Subscriber. Please contact Best Inc. Integration Team to generate this notification subscriber key.
for requests not including subscriber key or incorrect key value was received, a 400 bad request with error message The subscriber is invalid will be received.
URL Parameters
Element Name | Required | Data Type | Description |
CustomerCode | Y | String | Your unique customer code assigned by Best system. |
WarehouseCode | String | The warehouse code to indicate which warehouse the notifications come from, below values are expected: • USCA01 • USNJ01 | |
Type | String | The type of the notification. The following are the available notification type: • OrderShipped. Order shipment notification. • OrderRoutingRequest. Order Routing Request notification. • OrderError. Order error notification. • AsnClosed. ASN Closure notification. | |
Status | String | The status of the notification, below values are expected: • Open. New notification • Acknowledged. Notification was marked as Acknowledged already. • Error. | |
StartDate | DateTime | The start date and time of the action for the notification, format is “yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss” in UTC. | |
EndDate | DateTime | The end date and time of the action for the notification, format is “yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss” in UTC. |
Attribute List
Element Name | Data Type | Description |
Id | Integer | Internal ID of the notification |
EventType | String | The type of the notification. The following are the available notification type: • OrderShipped. Order shipment notification. • OrderRoutingRequest. Order Routing Request notification. • OrderError. Order error notification. • AsnClosed. ASN Closure notification. |
EventTime | DateTime | Notification generated time stamp. |
CustomerCode | String | Your unique customer code assigned by Best system. |
WarehouseCode | String | Indicate the Best Inc. fulfillment center ship your order. |
TransactionID | Integer | The internal ID of the notification |
TransactionNumber | String | The identity number of the notification related records. For order related notifications, it’s the order number. For ASN related notifications, it’s the ASN number. |
Status | String | Status of the notification |
AcknowledgedTime | Integer | The date and time when customer acknowledeged the notification, this field is only available when Status is “Acknowledged”. |
Data | Object | The content of the notification, schema varies depends on different event type: • OrderShipped. Order shipment notification. • OrderRoutingRequest. Order Routing Request notification. • OrderError. Order error notification. • AsnClosed. ASN Closure notification. |
Response Example
[ { "id": 116136, "eventType": "OrderShipped", "eventTime": "2019-11-18T21:05:15+00:00", "customerCode": "TEST", "warehouseCode": "USNJ01", "transactionId": 1092747, "transactionNumber": "S133183", "data": { "carrier": "UPS", "masterTrackingNumber": "92748555540806543400034073", "trackingNumbers": [ "92748555540806543400034073" ] }, "status": "Acknowledged", "acknowledgedTime": "2019-11-18T16:10:44-05:00" }, { "id": 116137, "eventType": "OrderShipped", "eventTime": "2019-11-18T21:25:15+00:00", "customerCode": "TEST", "warehouseCode": "USNJ01", "transactionId": 1092748, "transactionNumber": "S133184", "data": { "carrier": "DHL", "masterTrackingNumber": "92748555540806543400034074", "trackingNumbers": [ "92748555540806543400034074" ] }, "status": "Open" } ]