Cancel Order
Use this endpoint to cancel existing order that have not already been shipped by BEST fulfillment center.
- URL: {API root URL}/orders/{OrderNumber}/cancel?reason={reason}&customerCode={customercode}
- Method: PUT
URL Parameters
Parameter Name | Required | Data Type | Description |
orderNumber | Y | String | Order Number |
reason | String | Identify the reason for order cancellation. Available values: BuyerRequest SellerRequest WrongOrderData OutOfStock CannotFulfill Other | |
customerCode | Y | String | Your unique customer code assigned by Best system. |
Element Name | Data Type | Description |
id | String | An internal ID to identity the order cancellation |
customerCode | String | Your unique customer code assigned by Best system. |
warehouseCode | String | Specify the warehouse that the order allocated to, value could be “USCA01” or “USNJ01”, empty means querying all applicable warehouses. |
orderNumber | String | Order Number |
status | String | The detail status of the order, refer to Order Status page for all available values. Canceled NotCanceled |
message | String | Current request related system note. i.e. Order has already been voided |
Response Example
{ "id": 4250084, "customerCode": "USTEST", "orderNumber": "TEST051624003", "status": "Canceled", "message": "Order has already been voided" }