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Get Order Information

Get your order detail information by order number.

This endpoint has been deprecated and alternative with Order Query V2.0. To ensure all available information for order/shipment can be retrieved, we recommend implementing the Order Query V2.0 endpoint.

  • URL: {API root URL}/whorders/{OrderNumber}
  • Method: GET


URL Parameters

Parameter NameRequiredData TypeDescription
OrderNumberYStringOrder Number
Important! The response will include non-cancel orders only.


Attribute List

Element NameData TypeDescription
IdIntegerThe internal ID of the order.
StatusStringThe order general status, please use “DetailedStatus” field for more clear order status.
UploadTimeDateTimeThe date and time when the order is created into Best Inc. system. Value is based on UTC time zone.
CustomerCodeStringYour unique customer code assigned by Best system.
OrderNumberStringSpecified unique number to identify your order.
WarehouseCodeStringIndicate the Best Inc. fulfillment center ship your order.
WarehouseNotesStringSpecial instructions for warehouse operation if specified.
GiftWrapRequiredStringIndicate the option of GiftWrap if specified.
GiftNotesStringIndicate the Gift Notes if specified.
ScheduledReleaseDateStringScheduled release date for current order if specified.
PONumberStringSpecified unique number to identify your purchase order.
Reference1StringReference number 1 if specified.
Reference2StringReference number 2 if specified.
InvoiceNumberStringInvoice number of the order if specified.
ShipToNameStringRecipient name
ShipToCompanyStringRecipient company name
ShipToStreetLine1StringThe destination address of shipment
ShipToStreetLine2StringThe destination address 2 if available
ShipToStreetLine3StringThe destination address 3 if available
ShipToCityStringThe City of the Ship To address.
ShipToStateStringThe State of the Ship To address.
ShipToZipStringThe Zip Code of the Ship To address.
ShipToCountryStringThe Country Name of the Ship To address.
ShipToPhoneStringThe phone number of the order recipient if specified.
ShipToEmailStringThe contact email address of the order recipient if specified.
CustomerOrderTypeStringSpecified Customer Order Type
CarrierBillingTypeStringIndicate the billing method for the shipping cost of the order.
CarrierServiceLevelStringIndicate the shipment service level for the order.
CarrierStringIndicate the carrier who will deliver the order related packages.
CarrierServiceStringIndicate the shipping service for related packages.
ShipperCarrierAccountStringThe shipper carrier account number provided when create the order.
CarrierAccountNumberStringThe billed carrier account number if specified when create the order.
CarrierAccountZipStringThe zip code of the billed carrier account number if specified when create the order.
OptionSignatureStringIndicate the option of delivery signature if selected.
CurrencyCodeStringSpecified 3 characters currency code for the price specified in your request.
OrderDateDateTimeThe original date & time when the order was placed, specified in your request.
SalesChannelStringThe retailer name if specified.
StoreNumberStringThe store number from the retailer/ or channel for the order if specified.
ShipFromNameStringThe name of the sender.
ShipFromCompanyStringThe name of the sender company.
ShipFromStreetLine1StringAddress line 1 of the shipping from address.
ShipFromStreetLine2StringAdditional address info if specified.
ShipFromStreetLine3StringAdditional address info if specified.
ShipFromCityStringThe City of the Ship From address.
ShipFromStateStringThe State of the Ship From address.
ShipFromZipStringThe Zip Code of the Ship From address.
ShipFromCountryStringThe Country Name of the Ship From address.
ShipFromPhoneStringThe phone number of the sender if specified.
ShipFromEmailStringThe contact email address of the sender if specified.
DetailedStatusStringThe detail status of the order, refer to Order Status page for all available values.
ShipStatusStringThe shipment status of the order:
None. Order is not shipped yet.Partial. Partial items in the order have been shipped.Full. All items in the order have been shipped.
WmsTransactionNumberStringAn unique number to identify this order in Best Inc. warehouse.
OrderSubTypeStringThe sub order type that is categorised in Best Inc. warehouse.
ShipToIsResidentialBooleanIndicate if the shipping address is a residentail address.
ShipTimeDateTimeThe time when the order is shipped out from Best Inc. warehouse
EdiPackingSlipRequiredBooleanIndicate if the order requires special packing slip from third-party EDI partner.
EdiUccLabelRequiredBooleanIndicate if the order requires special UCC label from third-party EDI partner.
Details/SKUStringThe item number of item.
Details/QuantityIntegerThe order quantity of current item.
Details/PriceDecimalThe item price if specified in your request.
Details/CountryofOriginStringThe originally produced country for current item in the order if specified in your request.
Details/HsCodeStringThe International tariff code of the item if specified in your request.
Details/BoxCodeStringThe packing material specified in your request.
PackagesArray<Object>The package list of the order, only available when “DetailedOrderStatus” is “Pack” or “Shipped”.
Packages/IdStringThe internal ID of the package.
Packages/PackageNumberIntegerPackage number.
Packages/CustomerCodeDecimalYour unique customer code assigned by Best system.
Packages/WarehouseCodeStringIndicate the warehouse that will process current order.
Packages/OptionSignatureStringIndicate if your order package requires a signature when delivery.
Packages/CarrierStringThe carrier used for the package, normally it’s same with the carrier on order level.
Packages/CarrierServiceStringThe carrier service code used for the package, normally it’s same with the carrier on order level.
Packages/CarrierServiceTextStringThe carrier service name used for the package, normally it’s same with the carrier on order level.
Packages/CarrierBillingTypeStringThe carrier billing type of the package, normally it’s same with the carrier on order level.
Packages/CarrierAccountNumberStringThe carrier account number used for the package, normally it’s same with the carrier on order level.
Packages/TrackingNumberStringThe tracking number of the package.
Packages/BoxCodeStringThe packing material used for the package.
Packages/LengthDecimalPackage dimension: Length
Packages/WidthDecimalPackage dimension: Width
Packages/HeightDecimalPackage dimension: Height
Packages/LengthUnitStringValue is always “Inch” right now.
Packages/WeightDecimalPackage total weight
Packages/WeightUnitStringValue is always “Pound” right now.
Packages/ShipTimeDateTimeThe date and time when the package is shipped out.
Packages/PackageSSCCStringThe SSCC (Serial Shipping Container Code) of the current package.
Packages/DetailsArray<Object>The SKU list in the package.
Packages/Details/IdIntegerThe internal ID of the record.
Packages/Details/ItemIDIntegerThe internal ID of the SKU.
Packages/Details/SKUStringThe number of the SKU.
Packages/Details/QuantityIntegerThe quantty of the SKU.
PalletsArray<Object>The pallet list of the order, may be only available when the order requires palletization and “DetailedOrderStatus” is “Pack”, “Routing”, “Shipped”.
Pallets/IdIntegerThe internal ID of the pallet, not available from OMS.
Pallets/PalletNumberString The pallet ID number of the pallet.
Pallets/PalletSSCCStringThe SSCC (Serial Shipping Container Code) of the current pallet.
Pallets/LengthDecimalPallet dimension: Length
Pallets/WidthDecimalPallet dimension: Width
Pallets/HeightDecimalPallet dimension: Height
Pallets/LengthUnitStringValue is always “Inch” right now.
Pallets/WeightDecimalPallet total weight
Pallets/WeightUnitStringValue is always “Pound” right now.
Pallets/CartonCountIntegerThe quantity of the packages that is included in this pallet
Pallets/PackageNumbersArray<String>The package numbers that is included in the current pallet.

Response Example

    "customerOrderType": "Standard",
    "orderSubType": "STANDARD",
    "importChannel": "API",
    "shipToName": "BEST",
    "shipToCompany": "BEST",
    "shipToStreetLine1": "5125 Schafer Ave",
    "shipToCity": "Chino",
    "shipToState": "CA",
    "shipToZip": "91710",
    "shipToCountry": "US",
    "shipToIsResidential": false,
    "tariffPaymentParty": "Sender",
    "exportReason": "Sale",
    "deliveryIncoterms": "DDP",
    "giftWrapRequired": "None",
    "optionSignature": "None",
    "carrierServiceLevel": "Ground",
    "carrier": "FedEx",
    "carrierService": "FEDEX_GROUND",
    "carrierServiceText": "Ground",
    "shippingType": "PARCEL",
    "carrierBillingType": "Sender",
    "carrierAccountNumber": "510088000",
    "masterTrackingNumber": "794656867324",
    "shipTime": "2021-08-24T16:00:46+00:00",
    "closeTime": "2021-08-24T16:00:46+00:00",
    "documentCount": 0,
    "ediPackingSlipRequired": false,
    "ediUccLabelRequired": false,
    "currencyCode": "USD",
    "details": [
            "id": 550889,
            "itemId": 49454,
            "sku": "SKU1",
            "quantity": 1
    "packages": [
            "id": 74063,
            "packageNumber": "ST01244863-01",
            "customerCode": "USSAND",
            "orderNumber": "GROWVE-5",
            "warehouseCode": "USCA01",
            "optionSignature": "None",
            "carrier": "FedEx",
            "carrierService": "FEDEX_GROUND",
            "carrierServiceText": "Ground",
            "carrierBillingType": "Sender",
            "carrierAccountNumber": "510088000",
            "trackingNumber": "794656867324",
            "boxCode": "OEM",
            "length": 5.0,
            "width": 3.0,
            "height": 2.0,
            "lengthUnit": "Inch",
            "weight": 15.0,
            "weightUnit": "Pound",
            "shipTime": "2021-08-24T16:00:46+00:00",
            "details": [
                    "id": 194210,
                    "itemId": 49454,
                    "sku": "SKU1",
                    "quantity": 1
            "tracking": {
                "id": 161,
                "orderPackageId": 74063,
                "shipperAccountNumber": "510088000",
                "status": "Open",
                "statusDescription": "",
                "latestStatus": "Pending",
                "latestStatusDate": "2021-08-24T16:01:03",
                "signatureStatus": "NotRequested",
                "createdDate": "2021-08-24T16:01:03",
                "lastModifiedDate": "2021-08-24T16:01:03"
            "packageSSCC": ""
    "pallets": [],
    "wmsTransactionNumber": "ST01244863",
    "status": "Shipped",
    "shipStatus": "Full",
    "id": 169860,
    "customerCode": "USSAND",
    "orderNumber": "GROWVE-5",
    "warehouseCode": "USCA01",
    "uploadTime": "2021-08-24T15:48:33+00:00"
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