Get Order Information
Get your order detail information by order number.
This endpoint has been deprecated and alternative with Order Query V2.0. To ensure all available information for order/shipment can be retrieved, we recommend implementing the Order Query V2.0 endpoint.
- URL: {API root URL}/whorders/{OrderNumber}
- Method: GET
URL Parameters
Parameter Name | Required | Data Type | Description |
OrderNumber | Y | String | Order Number Important! The response will include non-cancel orders only. |
Attribute List
Element Name | Data Type | Description |
Id | Integer | The internal ID of the order. |
Status | String | The order general status, please use “DetailedStatus” field for more clear order status. |
UploadTime | DateTime | The date and time when the order is created into Best Inc. system. Value is based on UTC time zone. |
CustomerCode | String | Your unique customer code assigned by Best system. |
OrderNumber | String | Specified unique number to identify your order. |
WarehouseCode | String | Indicate the Best Inc. fulfillment center ship your order. |
WarehouseNotes | String | Special instructions for warehouse operation if specified. |
GiftWrapRequired | String | Indicate the option of GiftWrap if specified. |
GiftNotes | String | Indicate the Gift Notes if specified. |
ScheduledReleaseDate | String | Scheduled release date for current order if specified. |
PONumber | String | Specified unique number to identify your purchase order. |
Reference1 | String | Reference number 1 if specified. |
Reference2 | String | Reference number 2 if specified. |
InvoiceNumber | String | Invoice number of the order if specified. |
ShipToName | String | Recipient name |
ShipToCompany | String | Recipient company name |
ShipToStreetLine1 | String | The destination address of shipment |
ShipToStreetLine2 | String | The destination address 2 if available |
ShipToStreetLine3 | String | The destination address 3 if available |
ShipToCity | String | The City of the Ship To address. |
ShipToState | String | The State of the Ship To address. |
ShipToZip | String | The Zip Code of the Ship To address. |
ShipToCountry | String | The Country Name of the Ship To address. |
ShipToPhone | String | The phone number of the order recipient if specified. |
ShipToEmail | String | The contact email address of the order recipient if specified. |
CustomerOrderType | String | Specified Customer Order Type |
CarrierBillingType | String | Indicate the billing method for the shipping cost of the order. |
CarrierServiceLevel | String | Indicate the shipment service level for the order. |
Carrier | String | Indicate the carrier who will deliver the order related packages. |
CarrierService | String | Indicate the shipping service for related packages. |
ShipperCarrierAccount | String | The shipper carrier account number provided when create the order. |
CarrierAccountNumber | String | The billed carrier account number if specified when create the order. |
CarrierAccountZip | String | The zip code of the billed carrier account number if specified when create the order. |
OptionSignature | String | Indicate the option of delivery signature if selected. |
CurrencyCode | String | Specified 3 characters currency code for the price specified in your request. |
OrderDate | DateTime | The original date & time when the order was placed, specified in your request. |
SalesChannel | String | The retailer name if specified. |
StoreNumber | String | The store number from the retailer/ or channel for the order if specified. |
ShipFromName | String | The name of the sender. |
ShipFromCompany | String | The name of the sender company. |
ShipFromStreetLine1 | String | Address line 1 of the shipping from address. |
ShipFromStreetLine2 | String | Additional address info if specified. |
ShipFromStreetLine3 | String | Additional address info if specified. |
ShipFromCity | String | The City of the Ship From address. |
ShipFromState | String | The State of the Ship From address. |
ShipFromZip | String | The Zip Code of the Ship From address. |
ShipFromCountry | String | The Country Name of the Ship From address. |
ShipFromPhone | String | The phone number of the sender if specified. |
ShipFromEmail | String | The contact email address of the sender if specified. |
DetailedStatus | String | The detail status of the order, refer to Order Status page for all available values. |
ShipStatus | String | The shipment status of the order: None. Order is not shipped yet.Partial. Partial items in the order have been shipped.Full. All items in the order have been shipped. |
WmsTransactionNumber | String | An unique number to identify this order in Best Inc. warehouse. |
OrderSubType | String | The sub order type that is categorised in Best Inc. warehouse. |
ShipToIsResidential | Boolean | Indicate if the shipping address is a residentail address. |
ShipTime | DateTime | The time when the order is shipped out from Best Inc. warehouse |
EdiPackingSlipRequired | Boolean | Indicate if the order requires special packing slip from third-party EDI partner. |
EdiUccLabelRequired | Boolean | Indicate if the order requires special UCC label from third-party EDI partner. |
Details | Array<Object> | |
Details/SKU | String | The item number of item. |
Details/Quantity | Integer | The order quantity of current item. |
Details/Price | Decimal | The item price if specified in your request. |
Details/CountryofOrigin | String | The originally produced country for current item in the order if specified in your request. |
Details/HsCode | String | The International tariff code of the item if specified in your request. |
Details/BoxCode | String | The packing material specified in your request. |
Packages | Array<Object> | The package list of the order, only available when “DetailedOrderStatus” is “Pack” or “Shipped”. |
Packages/Id | String | The internal ID of the package. |
Packages/PackageNumber | Integer | Package number. |
Packages/CustomerCode | Decimal | Your unique customer code assigned by Best system. |
Packages/WarehouseCode | String | Indicate the warehouse that will process current order. |
Packages/OptionSignature | String | Indicate if your order package requires a signature when delivery. |
Packages/Carrier | String | The carrier used for the package, normally it’s same with the carrier on order level. |
Packages/CarrierService | String | The carrier service code used for the package, normally it’s same with the carrier on order level. |
Packages/CarrierServiceText | String | The carrier service name used for the package, normally it’s same with the carrier on order level. |
Packages/CarrierBillingType | String | The carrier billing type of the package, normally it’s same with the carrier on order level. |
Packages/CarrierAccountNumber | String | The carrier account number used for the package, normally it’s same with the carrier on order level. |
Packages/TrackingNumber | String | The tracking number of the package. |
Packages/BoxCode | String | The packing material used for the package. |
Packages/Length | Decimal | Package dimension: Length |
Packages/Width | Decimal | Package dimension: Width |
Packages/Height | Decimal | Package dimension: Height |
Packages/LengthUnit | String | Value is always “Inch” right now. |
Packages/Weight | Decimal | Package total weight |
Packages/WeightUnit | String | Value is always “Pound” right now. |
Packages/ShipTime | DateTime | The date and time when the package is shipped out. |
Packages/PackageSSCC | String | The SSCC (Serial Shipping Container Code) of the current package. |
Packages/Details | Array<Object> | The SKU list in the package. |
Packages/Details/Id | Integer | The internal ID of the record. |
Packages/Details/ItemID | Integer | The internal ID of the SKU. |
Packages/Details/SKU | String | The number of the SKU. |
Packages/Details/Quantity | Integer | The quantty of the SKU. |
Pallets | Array<Object> | The pallet list of the order, may be only available when the order requires palletization and “DetailedOrderStatus” is “Pack”, “Routing”, “Shipped”. |
Pallets/Id | Integer | The internal ID of the pallet, not available from OMS. |
Pallets/PalletNumber | String | The pallet ID number of the pallet. |
Pallets/PalletSSCC | String | The SSCC (Serial Shipping Container Code) of the current pallet. |
Pallets/Length | Decimal | Pallet dimension: Length |
Pallets/Width | Decimal | Pallet dimension: Width |
Pallets/Height | Decimal | Pallet dimension: Height |
Pallets/LengthUnit | String | Value is always “Inch” right now. |
Pallets/Weight | Decimal | Pallet total weight |
Pallets/WeightUnit | String | Value is always “Pound” right now. |
Pallets/CartonCount | Integer | The quantity of the packages that is included in this pallet |
Pallets/PackageNumbers | Array<String> | The package numbers that is included in the current pallet. |
Response Example
{ "customerOrderType": "Standard", "orderSubType": "STANDARD", "importChannel": "API", "shipToName": "BEST", "shipToCompany": "BEST", "shipToStreetLine1": "5125 Schafer Ave", "shipToCity": "Chino", "shipToState": "CA", "shipToZip": "91710", "shipToCountry": "US", "shipToIsResidential": false, "tariffPaymentParty": "Sender", "exportReason": "Sale", "deliveryIncoterms": "DDP", "giftWrapRequired": "None", "optionSignature": "None", "carrierServiceLevel": "Ground", "carrier": "FedEx", "carrierService": "FEDEX_GROUND", "carrierServiceText": "Ground", "shippingType": "PARCEL", "carrierBillingType": "Sender", "carrierAccountNumber": "510088000", "masterTrackingNumber": "794656867324", "shipTime": "2021-08-24T16:00:46+00:00", "closeTime": "2021-08-24T16:00:46+00:00", "documentCount": 0, "ediPackingSlipRequired": false, "ediUccLabelRequired": false, "currencyCode": "USD", "details": [ { "id": 550889, "itemId": 49454, "sku": "SKU1", "quantity": 1 } ], "packages": [ { "id": 74063, "packageNumber": "ST01244863-01", "customerCode": "USSAND", "orderNumber": "GROWVE-5", "warehouseCode": "USCA01", "optionSignature": "None", "carrier": "FedEx", "carrierService": "FEDEX_GROUND", "carrierServiceText": "Ground", "carrierBillingType": "Sender", "carrierAccountNumber": "510088000", "trackingNumber": "794656867324", "boxCode": "OEM", "length": 5.0, "width": 3.0, "height": 2.0, "lengthUnit": "Inch", "weight": 15.0, "weightUnit": "Pound", "shipTime": "2021-08-24T16:00:46+00:00", "details": [ { "id": 194210, "itemId": 49454, "sku": "SKU1", "quantity": 1 } ], "tracking": { "id": 161, "orderPackageId": 74063, "shipperAccountNumber": "510088000", "status": "Open", "statusDescription": "", "latestStatus": "Pending", "latestStatusDate": "2021-08-24T16:01:03", "signatureStatus": "NotRequested", "createdDate": "2021-08-24T16:01:03", "lastModifiedDate": "2021-08-24T16:01:03" }, "packageSSCC": "" } ], "pallets": [], "wmsTransactionNumber": "ST01244863", "status": "Shipped", "shipStatus": "Full", "id": 169860, "customerCode": "USSAND", "orderNumber": "GROWVE-5", "warehouseCode": "USCA01", "uploadTime": "2021-08-24T15:48:33+00:00" }