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Order Creation

Upload your orders into Best system, only one order can be uploaded in single request.

  • URL: {API root URL}/orders
  • Method: POST


Attribute List

Element NameRequiredData TypeDescription
customerCodeYStringYour unique customer code assigned by Best system.
orderNumberYStringAn unique number to identify your order.
Up to 30 characters.
warehouseCodeStringIndicate the warehouse that you want Best to ship your
product from. Leave empty if your inventory is only
located in one location or
you want Best system to choose proper warehouse for you.
warehouseNotesStringSpecial instructions for warehouse operation,
up to 4000 characters.
giftNotesStringThe gift message you want Best operation team to include
in your package, up to 1000 characters.
giftWrapRequiredStringIndicate if your order requires gift wrapping, available
value is None or Required. Default value is None.
scheduledReleaseDateStringScheduled release date for orders. Submit orders to be
created but not released until a future date as specified.
Accepted format: MM-DD-YYYY.
poNumberStringAn unique number to identify the purchase order if
available, up to 30 characters.
reference1StringReference number 1.
reference2StringReference number 2.
maximumPalletHeightStringSpecify the maximum height allowed for orders. Measurement in inches, accepts any positive integer value greater than 1.
invoiceNumberStringInvoice number of the order.
shipToName*StringRecipient name. This field is required if ShipToCompany
has no value.
shipToCompany*StringRecipient company name. This field is required if
ShipToName has no value.
shipToStreetLine1YStringIdentify the destination address of shipment
shipToStreetLine2StringAdditional address info
shipToStreetLine3StringAdditional address info
shipToCityYStringThe city name of the ship to address.
shipToState*StringFor US domestic orders, it’s required and value has to be
the 2 letters of the state code.
For international orders, put the actual state or province
name, leave empty if the destination aderess doesn’t have
state or province.
shipToZipYStringThe zip code of the shipping address
shipToCountryYStringThe ISO 2 characters code for the country of the shipping
address, refer to for the country
code list.

If you are shipping your items to international countries
out of United States, refer to International Orders page
for more details.
shipToPhoneStringThe phone number of the order recipient.
shipToEmailStringThe email address of the order recipient.
customerOrderTypeYStringIndicate the type of the order, check
Customer Order Type Reference page regarding the detail
and how to provide the right value.
carrierBillingTypeYStringIndicate the billing method for the shipping cost of the
order, below values are expected:
• Owner
• Sender
• ThirdParty
• Receiver

Check Carrier & Service Reference page regarding the
detail and how to provide the right value.
carrierServiceLevelYStringIndicate the shipment service level for the order, below
values are expected:
• Ground
• NextDay
• SecondDay
• ThreeDay
• WillCall
• ShipDoc

Important! For international parcel shipping, Only Ground is accepted.

Check Carrier & Service Reference page regarding the
detail and how to provide the right value.
carrier*StringThe name of the carrier who will deliver the order, below
values are expected:
• FedEx

Refer to Carrier & Service Reference page for more details.
carrierService*StringThe service code that pre-defined by carrier. Value is
various for different carrier.
Refer to Carrier & Service Reference page for more details.
shipperCarrierAccount*StringThe number of shipper’s carrier account that will use to
fulfill the order.
Refer to Carrier & Service Reference page for more details.
carrierAccountNumber*StringThe carrier account that will be billed for the order.
Refer to Carrier & Service Reference page for more details.
carrierAccountZip*StringThe zip code of the carrier account owner.
Refer to Carrier & Service Reference page for more details.
optionSignature StringIndicate if your order package requires a signature when delivery, available value is None or Required. Default value is None.
shipInsuranceStringIndicate if your order package requires carrier insurance. Available value is True or False. Default value is False.
currencyCode*StringThe 3 characters currency code to indicate which currency
the Price is based on. Please always provide the right
currency code for your international orders, the default
value is USD (US Dollar) if you don’t provide.

Refer to International Orders page for more details.
orderDateDateTimeThe date & time when the order is originally placed by
your customer. Value is always based on UTC time zone by
format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss or 
YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD with 24-hour clock time.
For example2020-02-11T19:13:00 or 
salesChannel StringThe retailer name where the order comes from.
Refer to Order Sales Channel page for more details.
storeNumber StringThe store number of the sales channel for the order.
Refer to Order Sales Channel page for more details.
shipFromName*StringThe name of the sender.

It will be printed on the shipping from section of the
shipping label with shipping from address together once
value is provided.
shipFromCompany*StringThe name of the sender company.

It will be printed on the shipping from section of the
shipping label with shipping from address together once
value is provided.
shipFromStreetLine1*StringAddress line 1 of the shipping from address.

Your shipping from address will be printed on the
shipping from section of the shipping label once value is
shipFromStreetLine2StringAdditional address info
shipFromStreetLine3StringAdditional address info
shipFromCity*StringThe city name of the shipping from address.
shipFromState*StringFor US domestic shipping from address, it has to be the
2 letters of the state code.
shipFromZip*StringThe zip code of the shipping from address
shipFromCountry StringThe ISO 2 characters code for the country of the shipping
from address, refer to for the
country code list. Default value “US” will be applied if
value is not provided.
shipFromPhoneStringThe phone number of the order sender.

It will be printed on the shipping from section of the
shipping label with shipping from address together once
value is provided.
shipFromEmailStringThe email address of the order sender.
tariffPaymentPartyStringApplicable for international orders, indicate who will be
responsible to pay the duty & tax. The following values are
Sender Default value if value is not provided.

When value is Receiver or ThirdParty, the payer’s carrier
account number and zip code are required to be
provided in field CarrierAccountNumber and 
exportReasonStringApplicable for international orders, indicate the reason of
exporting the products in the order. The following values
are available:
Sale. Default value if value is not provided.
deliveryIncotermsStringApplicable for international orders, indicate the
incoterms of the customs clearance.
The following values are available:
DDP. Delivered Duty Paid. Default value if value is not
DDU. Delivered Duty Unpaid.
detailsYArray<Object>The SKU list in the order.
details/skuYStringThe number of the item.
details/quantityYIntegerThe quantity of the item.
details/priceDecimalRequired for international order.
The unit price of the item.

Refer to International Orders page for more details.
details/countryOfOriginStringRequired for international order.
The ISO 2 characters code of the originally produced
country for current item in the order.

Refer to International Orders page for more details.
details/hsCodeStringRequired for international order.
The International tariff code of the item.

Refer to International Orders page for more details.
details/boxCodeStringIndicate the packing material or options for this order. Leave empty
if you want Best operation team to decide the packing option.
Available values:

• OEM. Item will be shipped in its original package.
• OVERPACK. Item will be shipped within an outer box. Warehouse operation will decide what box to use.
• WHdecide. Short for Warehouse will Decide. This is the default value if no option was provided. Warehouse operation will decide the packing option, OEM or OVERPACK for orders. 
• Box Code. The SKU # of the packing material you previously created in our system. Follow below steps if you want to use your own material:
1. Create that material as a SKU first
2. Send them into Best warehouse
3. Put the SKU # of the material SKU into this field when
create your orders.
details/retailSKUStringThe SKU number from the retailer. You don’t need to
provide this value unless the order is a purchase order
from a retailer, and the retailer requires to print their
SKU number on the carton label or product label.
details/retailDescriptionStringThe SKU description from the retailer. If the order is a
purchase order from a retailer, you may provide this field
for a reference in Best system.
details/unitCostStringThe unit cost of the SKU. The amount you wish to insure for current item.
documentsArray<Object>The order documents you want to attach after order is created.

Refer to Order Documents page for more details.
documents/documentTypeYStringThe type of the order document. The following
values are available:
documents/fileNameYStringThe file name of the document, extension name should
be included such as “.pdf”, “.png”. File name can’t be
duplicated in all documents in same order.
documents/descriptionStringAny comment text for current document.
documents/YStringThis is to specify whether the encoded bytecode or the Label URL to be uploaded.
Available values:
• data– Indicates request is for encoded Base64.
• url-
Indicates the file download URL location.
requiredDocumentsY (for Customer Order Type as VAS only)Array<String>Specify the required document(s) associated with current
order. It is required if Customer Order Type is VAS.
Available values:

Request Example

    "customerCode": "USSAND",
    "orderNumber": "API-test-001",
    "warehouseCode": "USCA01",
    "warehouseNotes": "Testing order",
    "giftNotes": "",
    "poNumber": "P233677",
    "shipToName": "John Doe",
    "shipToCompany": "Best Inc.",
    "shipToStreetLine1": "5125 Schaefer Ave",
    "shipToStreetLine2": "STE 101",
    "shipToStreetLine3": "",
    "shipToCity": "Chino",
    "shipToState": "CA",
    "shipToZip": "91710",
    "shipToCountry": "US",
    "shipToPhone": "626-626-7665",
    "shipToEmail": "",
    "customerOrderType": "VAS",
    "carrierBillingType": "Sender",
    "carrierServiceLevel": "Ground",
    "carrier": "UPS",
    "carrierService": "03",
    "carrierAccountNumber": "",
    "carrierAccountZip": "",
    "optionSignature": "Required",
    "currencyCode": "USD",
    "orderDate": "2021-09-28",
    "salesChannel": "",
    "storeNumber": "",
    "details": [
            "sku": "A001",
            "quantity": 2,
            "price": 15.99,
            "countryOfOrigin": "US",
            "hsCode": "457733",
            "boxCode": "OEM"
            "sku": "A002",
            "quantity": 1,
            "price": 25.99,
            "countryOfOrigin": "US",
            "hsCode": "496693",
            "boxCode": "OEM"
    "documents": [
      "documentType": "PACKING_LIST",
      "fileName": "pl.pdf",
      "description": "Packing Slip File",
      "data": "{actual base64 content for your file}"
      "documentType": "CARTON_LABEL",
      "fileName": "p2.pdf",
      "description": "Carton Label File",
      "data": "{actual base64 content for your file}"
    "requiredDocuments": [


Attribute List

Element NameData TypeDescription
IdIntegerThe internal ID of the order.
statusStringThe order status, value will be always “Creating” in this order creation response.
uploadTimeDateTimeThe date and time when the order is created into Best Inc. system. Value is based on UTC time zone.
customerCodeStringYour unique customer code assigned by Best system.
orderNumberStringThe order number specified in your request.
warehouseCodeStringIndicate the warehouse that will process current order.
warehouseNotesStringSpecial instructions for warehouse operation specified in your request.
giftNotesStringThe gift message you want Best operation team to include in your package.
scheduledReleaseDateStringScheduled release date for orders.
poNumberStringThe purchase order number specified in your request.
sShipToNameStringRecipient name.
shipToCompanyStringRecipient company name.
shipToStreetLine1StringThe destination address of shipment.
shipToStreetLine2StringAdditional address info.
shipToStreetLine3StringAdditional address info.
shipToCityStringThe city name of the ship to address.
shipToStateStringThe state name of the ship to address.
shipToZipStringThe zip code of the ship to address.
shipToCountryStringThe country code of the ship to address.
shipToPhoneStringThe phone number of the order recipient.
shipToEmailStringThe email address of the order recipient.
customerOrderTypeStringThe type of the order specified in your request.
carrierBillingTypeStringThe billing method specified in your request.
carrierServiceLevelStringThe shipment service level specified in your request.
carrierStringThe name of the shipping carrier specified in your request.
carrierServiceStringThe shiping service code specified in your request.
carrierAccountNumberStringThe carrier account number that will be billed for all shipped packages, specified in your request.
carrierAccountZipStringThe zip code associated with the carrier account,specified in your request.
optionSignatureStringIndicate if your order package requires a signature when delivery.
currencyCodeStringThe 3 characters currency code for the price specified in your request.
orderDateDateTimeThe original date & time when the order was placed, specified in your request.
salesChannelStringThe retailer name of current order, specified in your request.
storeNumberStringThe store number of the sales channel if specified in your request.
details/skuStringThe item number of item.
details/quantityIntegerThe order quantity of current item.
details/priceDecimalThe item price if specified in your request.
details/countryOfOriginStringThe originally produced country for current item in the order if specified in your request.
details/hsCodeStringThe International tariff code of the item if specified in your request.
details/boxCodeStringThe packing option/ or material specified in your request.

Response Example

    "orderDate": "2021-09-28T00:00:00+00:00",
    "warehouseNotes": "Testing order",
    "giftNotes": "",
    "customerOrderType": "Standard",
    "salesChannel": "",
    "importChannel": "API",
    "poNumber": "P233677",
    "shipToName": "John Doe",
    "shipToCompany": "Best Inc.",
    "shipToStreetLine1": "5125 Schaefer Ave",
    "shipToStreetLine2": "STE 101",
    "shipToStreetLine3": "",
    "shipToCity": "Chino",
    "shipToState": "CA",
    "shipToZip": "91710",
    "shipToCountry": "US",
    "shipToPhone": "626-626-7665",
    "shipToEmail": "",
    "optionSignature": "Required",
    "carrierServiceLevel": "Ground",
    "carrier": "UPS",
    "carrierService": "03",
    "carrierBillingType": "Sender",
    "details": [
            "sku": "A001",
            "quantity": 2,
            "price": 15.99,
            "boxCode": "OEM",
            "countryOfOrigin": "US",
            "hsCode": "457733"
            "sku": "A002",
            "quantity": 1,
            "price": 25.99,
            "boxCode": "OEM",
            "countryOfOrigin": "US",
            "hsCode": "496693"
    "wmsOrders": [],
    "status": "Creating",
    "shipStatus": "None",
    "id": 64528,
    "customerCode": "USSAND",
    "orderNumber": "API-test-001",
    "warehouseCode": "USCA01",
    "uploadTime": "2021-09-28T22:57:58+00:00"
Next Uploading Order Related Document
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