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Query Order List V2.0

The version 2.0 of Order Query API. The Order Query API v1.0 can only query orders which is already dispatched into warehouse, that means for special orders before dispatching (for example orders under status “Preorder” or “Pending”) into warehouse is not searchable. In this new version v2.0, all orders will be searchable.

  • URL: {API root URL}/orders?{query}
  • Method: GET


URL Parameters

Parameter NameRequiredData TypeDescription
SortingFieldStringSpecify the sorting field for the query result list, below options are available:UploadTime. Default value if not specified.CloseTime. If current criteria will return some orders without CloseTime (status is not shipped), these orders will be listed in the top of the list.OrderNumber
SortingDirectionStringBelow options are available:Descending. Default value if not specified.Ascending
PageSizeYIntegerSpecify how many records to return in single call, up to 200.
PageNumberYIntegerSpecify which page you are querying, starts from 1.
FromTimeDateTimeThe start date and time of the order uploading time, based on UTC.
ToTimeDateTimeThe end date and time of the order uploading time, based on UTC.
FromCloseTimeDateTimeThe start date and time of the order close time (the time when order is marked as Shipped), based on UTC.
ToCloseTimeDateTimeThe end date and time of the order close time, based on UTC.
FromUpdateTimeDateTimeThe start date and time when the order status or data is updated latest, based on UTC.
ToUpdateTimeDateTimeThe end date and time when the order status or data is updated latest, based on UTC.
WarehouseCode StringSpecify the warehouse that the order allocated to, value could be “USCA01” or “USNJ01”, empty means querying all applicable warehouses.
OrderNumberStringOrder Number
ItemNumber StringExactly match by Item number in the order.
ImportChannelStringSpecify the order creation channel, below options are available:Portal. For orders created by uploading order template file on OMS portal.API. For orders created by API.SPS. For orders created by external EDI partner SPS.Shopify. For orders imported by Shopify platform.
TrackingNumberStringThe tracking number that is used to fulfill the order.
ShipToNameStringMatch the ship to name and ship to company of the order.
ShipToAddressStringMatch the ship to address line 1 and line 2.
WmsTransactionNumberStringThe unique transaction number of the order in Best Inc. warehouse
StatusStringThe status of the order, refer to Order Status page for all available values.
DetailOptionStringIndicate how the order detail information will be included in the response body, nothing in this criteria means just return order header information without any detail information. Available options are below, accept multiple choices split by comma, for example “Items, Packages”.All. Include all below 4 detail information nodes if applicable.ItemsShippedItemsPackagesPallets


Attribute List

Element NameData TypeDescription
TotalCountIntegerThe count of returned records.
PageNumberIntegerSame value in request body.
PageSizeIntegerSame value in request body.
PageCountIntegerIndicate the total page count based the total record count and
the page size.
ResultArray<Object>The order data list.
Result / idStringA unique ID to identity the order, this ID can be used to generate an
URL to access the Order Detail page by below format:{id}
Result / CustomerCodeStringYour unique customer code assigned by Best system.
Result / OrderNumberStringSpecified unique number to identify your order.
Result / WarehouseCodeStringIndicate the Best Inc. fulfillment center ship your order.
Result / StatusStringThe detail status of the order, refer to Order Status page for all
available values.
Result / importChannelStringSpecify the order creation channel, below options are available:Portal.
For orders created by uploading order template file on OMS portal.
API. For orders created by API.SPS. For orders created by external
EDI partner SPS.Shopify. For orders imported by Shopify platform.
Result / CustomerOrderTypeStringThe type of the order, check Customer Order Type Reference page
regarding the detail and how to provide the right value.
Result / PONumberStringSpecified unique number to identify the purchase order if available.
Result / Reference1StringReference number 1 if specified.
Result / Reference2StringReference number 2 if specified.
Result / InvoiceNumberStringInvoice number of the order if specified.
Result / SalesChannelStringThe retailer name if specified.
Result / StoreNumberStringThe store number from the retailer/ or channel for the order if specified.
Result / CarrierBillingTypeStringIndicate the billing method for the shipping cost of the order.
Result / CarrierServiceLevelStringIndicate the shipment service level for the order.
Result / CarrierStringIndicate the carrier who will deliver the order related packages.
Result / CarrierServiceStringIndicate the shipping service for related packages.
Result / CarrierServiceTextStringThe description of the carrier service.
Result / ShipperCarrierAccountStringThe shipper carrier account number provided when create the order.
Result / CarrierAccountNumberStringThe billed carrier account number if specified when create the order.
Result / CarrierAccountZipStringThe zip code of the billed carrier account number if specified when create the order.
Result / OptionSignatureStringIndicate the option of delivery signature if selected.
Result / GiftWrapRequiredStringIndicate the option of GiftWrap
Result / GiftNotesStringIndicate the Gift Notes if specified.
Result / ScheduledReleaseDateStringScheduled release date for current order.
Result / WarehouseNotesStringSpecial instructions for warehouse operation.
Result / ShipToNameStringRecipient name
Result / ShipToCompanyStringRecipient company name
Result / ShipToStreetLine1StringThe destination address of shipment
Result / ShipToStreetLine2StringThe destination address 2 if available
Result / ShipToStreetLine3StringThe destination address 3 if available
Result / ShipToCityStringThe City of the Ship To address.
Result / ShipToStateStringThe State of the Ship To address.
Result / ShipToZipStringThe Zip Code of the Ship To address.
Result / ShipToCountryStringThe Country Name of the Ship To address.
Result / ShipToPhoneStringThe phone number of the order recipient if specified.
Result / ShipToEmailStringThe contact email address of the order recipient if specified.
Result / ShipFromNameStringThe name of the sender.
Result / ShipFromCompanyStringThe name of the sender company.
Result / ShipFromStreetLine1StringAddress line 1 of the shipping from address.
Result / ShipFromStreetLine2StringAdditional address info if specified.
Result / ShipFromStreetLine3StringAdditional address info if specified.
Result / ShipFromCityStringThe City of the Ship From address.
Result / ShipFromStateStringThe State of the Ship From address.
Result / ShipFromZipStringThe Zip Code of the Ship From address.
Result / ShipFromCountryStringThe Country Name of the Ship From address.
Result / ShipFromPhoneStringThe phone number of the sender if specified.
Result / ShipFromEmailStringThe contact email address of the sender if specified.
Result / TariffPaymentPartyStringSpecified value if provided.
Result / ExportReasonStringSpecified value if provided.
Result / DeliveryIncotermsStringSpecified value if provided.
Result / CurrencyCodeStringSpecified 3 characters currency code for the price specified in your request.
Result / OrderDateDateTimeThe original date & time when the order was placed, specified in your request.
Result / UploadTimeDateTimeThe date and time when the order is created into Best Inc. system.
Value is based on UTC time zone.
Result / UpdateTimeDateTimeThe date and time when the order is updated latest.
Value is based on UTC time zone.
Result / WmsTransactionNumberStringAn unique number to identify this order in Best Inc. warehouse.
Result / MasterTrackingNumberStringThe available Tracking Number for shipped packages.
Result / CloseTimeDateTimeThe time when the order is shipped out from Best Inc. warehouse.
Value is based on UTC time zone.
Result / ItemsArray<Object>The original item list in the order, only return this node when proper
value is specified in “DetailOption” parameter.
Below are all available nodes:
• itemNumber
• quantity
• unitPrice
• countryOfOrigin
• hsCode
• boxCode
• retailSKU
• retailDescription
• unitCost
The ItemNumber will be unique for each line under this node.
Result / ShippedItemsArray<Object>The actually shipped item list in the order, only return this node when proper value is specified in “DetailOption” parameter, and order status is Shipped. Below are all available nodes:
condition. The actual condition of item that is shipped from warehouse.
shippedQuantity. Actually shipped quantity.
batchNumber. The Batch Number value that is collected in warehouse when ship out the sku. This node will disappear if it’s not collected.
mfgDate. The Manufactured Date value that is collected in warehouse when ship out the sku. This node will disappear if it’s not collected.
expDate. The Expiration Date value that is collected in warehouse when ship out the sku. This node will disappear if it’s not collected.
countryOfOrigin. The Country of Origin value that is collected in warehouse when ship out the sku. This node will disappear if it’s not collected.
Result / PackagesArray<Object>The package list in the order, only return this node when proper value is specified in “DetailOption” parameter, and the node content is only available when package information is generated in Best warehouse, usually for orders under PackRoutingPacked and Shipped status.
Result / PalletsArray<Object>The pallet list in the order, only return this node when proper value is specified in “DetailOption” parameter, and the node content is only available when package information is generated in Best warehouse, usually for freight orders under PackRoutingPacked and Shipped status.

Response Example

    "totalCount": 19,
    "pageNumber": 1,
    "pageSize": 2,
    "pageCount": 10,
    "result": [
    "totalCount": 1,
    "pageNumber": 1,
    "pageSize": 15,
    "pageCount": 1,
    "result": [
            "id": "64528-171585",
            "customerCode": "USSAND",
            "orderNumber": "API-test-001",
            "warehouseCode": "USCA01",
            "wmsTransactionNumber": "ST01248044",
            "status": "DueOut", 
            "customerOrderType": "Standard",
            "warehouseNotes": "Testing order", 
            "importChannel": "API", 
            "poNumber": "P233677",
            "shipToName": "John Doe",
            "shipToCompany": "Best Inc.",
            "shipToStreetLine1": "5125 Schaefer Ave",
            "shipToStreetLine2": "STE 101",
            "shipToCity": "Chino",
            "shipToState": "CA",
            "shipToZip": "91710",
            "shipToCountry": "US",
            "shipToPhone": "626-626-7665",
            "shipToEmail": "",
            "shipToIsResidential": false,
            "optionSignature": "Required",
            "carrierServiceLevel": "Ground",
            "carrier": "FEDEX",
            "carrierService": "FEDEX_GROUND",
            "carrierServiceText": "Ground",
            "carrierBillingType": "Sender",
            "orderDate": "2021-09-28T00:00:00+00:00",
            "uploadTime": "2021-09-28T22:57:58+00:00",
            "updateTime": "2021-09-28T22:58:06+00:00",
            "currencyCode": "USD",
            "shippingType": "Parcel",
            "documentCount": 1,
            "items": [
                    "itemId": 69730,
                    "itemNumber": "A002",
                    "itemDescription": "TEST ITEM",
                    "itemKitType": "Component",
                    "quantity": 1,
                    "price": 25.99,
                    "countryOfOrigin": "US",
                    "hsCode": "496693",
                    "boxCode": "",
                    "components": []
                    "itemId": 69729,
                    "itemNumber": "A001",
                    "itemDescription": "TEST ITEM",
                    "itemKitType": "Component",
                    "quantity": 2,
                    "price": 15.99,
                    "countryOfOrigin": "US",
                    "hsCode": "457733",
                    "boxCode": "",
                    "components": []
            "packages": [],
            "shippedItems": [],
            "pallets": [],
            "changes": [
                    "actionType": "Release",
                    "userId": "N/A",
                    "createdDate": "2021-09-28T22:58:06",
                    "details": [
                            "fieldName": "Status",
                            "fromValue": "Releasing",
                            "toValue": "Open"
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