ASN Creation
Create your ASN (Advanced Shipping Notice) for your upcoming SKUs to Best Inc. fulfillment centers. Single ASN can be created from each request.
- URL: {API root URL}/asns
- Method: POST
Attribute List
Element Name | Required | Data Type | Description |
CustomerCode | Y | String | Your unique customer code assigned by Best system. |
AsnNumber | Y | String | A number to identify this upcoming shipment to Best warehouse, up to 30 characters. No special characters such as :.<>/%#&?’, are allowed. |
ReceiptType | String | Indicate the type of the ASN, 2 available values as below: SupplierReceipt. Regular inventory inbound ASN, it’s the default value if the value is not provided. Return. Return package from original recipient. | |
ReferenceNumber | String | Any applicable reference number, up to 30 characters. | |
WarehouseCode | Y | String | Indicate which Best Inc. fulfillment center your shipment will deliver to. |
WarehouseNotes | String | Any comment you want to notify Best warehouse team. | |
Details | Y | Array<Object> | The SKU list in this shipment. |
Details/SKU | Y | String | The number of the SKU. |
Details/Qty | Y | Integer | The quantity of the SKU. |
Details/UnitOfMeasure | Y | String | The unit to describe your SKU quantity, value has to be “Each” at this moment. |
Request Example
{ "customerCode": "TEST", "asnNumber": "R0430A015", "receiptType":"SupplierReceipt", "warehouseCode": "USCA01", "warehouseNotes": "This shipment will arrive very soon!", "referenceNumber":"PO45003", "details": [ { "sku": "LFT0003", "unitOfMeasure": "Each", "quantity":45 }, { "sku": "LFT0006", "unitOfMeasure": "Each", "quantity":500 } ] }
Attribute List
Element Name | Data Type | Description |
CustomerCode | String | Your unique customer code assigned by Best system. |
AsnNumber | String | The number you specified to identify this upcoming shipment to Best Inc. fulfillment center. |
ReferenceNumber | String | Specified reference number. |
WarehouseCode | String | Indicate the Best Inc. fulfillment center your shipment will deliver to. |
WarehouseNotes | String | The comment you want to notify Best warehouse team. |
ReceiptType | String | Indicate the type of the ASN |
UploadTime | DateTime | The time when Best system gets the ASN Creation request. |
Status | String | The status of the ASN, value will be “Creating” always in this ASN Creation API response. |
Details | Array<Object> | |
Details/SKU | String | The SKU ID with the shipment |
Details/Qty | Integer | The quantity of the SKU. |
Details/UnitOfMeasure | String | The unit you specified for your SKU quantity. |
Response Example
{ "asnNumber": "R0430A015", "warehouseCode": "USCA01", "warehouseNotes": "This shipment will arrive very soon!", "customerCode": "TEST", "receiptType": "SupplierReceipt", "referenceNumber": "PO45003", "status": "Creating", "uploadTime": "2020-04-30T17:47:52-07:00", "details": [ { "sku": "LFT0003", "unitOfMeasure": "Each", "quantity": 45 }, { "sku": "LFT0006", "unitOfMeasure": "Each", "quantity": 500 } ] }