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ASN Creation

Create your ASN (Advanced Shipping Notice) for your upcoming SKUs to Best Inc. fulfillment centers. Single ASN can be created from each request.

  • URL: {API root URL}/asns
  • Method: POST


Attribute List

Element NameRequiredData TypeDescription
CustomerCodeYStringYour unique customer code assigned by Best system.
AsnNumberYStringA number to identify this upcoming shipment to Best warehouse, up to 30 characters. No special characters such as :.<>/%#&?’, are allowed.
ReceiptTypeStringIndicate the type of the ASN, 2 available values as below:
SupplierReceipt. Regular inventory inbound ASN, it’s the default value if the value is not provided.
Return. Return package from original recipient.
ReferenceNumber StringAny applicable reference number, up to 30 characters.
WarehouseCodeYStringIndicate which Best Inc. fulfillment center your shipment will deliver to.
WarehouseNotes StringAny comment you want to notify Best warehouse team.
DetailsYArray<Object>The SKU list in this shipment.
Details/SKUYStringThe number of the SKU.
Details/QtyYIntegerThe quantity of the SKU.
Details/UnitOfMeasureYStringThe unit to describe your SKU quantity, value has to be “Each” at this moment.

Request Example

    "customerCode": "TEST",
    "asnNumber": "R0430A015",
    "warehouseCode": "USCA01",
    "warehouseNotes": "This shipment will arrive very soon!",
    "details": [
            "sku": "LFT0003",
            "unitOfMeasure": "Each",
            "sku": "LFT0006",
            "unitOfMeasure": "Each",


Attribute List

Element NameData TypeDescription
CustomerCodeStringYour unique customer code assigned by Best system.
AsnNumberStringThe number you specified to identify this upcoming shipment to Best Inc. fulfillment center.
ReferenceNumberStringSpecified reference number.
WarehouseCodeStringIndicate the Best Inc. fulfillment center your shipment will deliver to.
WarehouseNotesStringThe comment you want to notify Best warehouse team.
ReceiptTypeStringIndicate the type of the ASN
UploadTimeDateTimeThe time when Best system gets the ASN Creation request.
StatusStringThe status of the ASN, value will be “Creating” always in this ASN Creation API response.
Details/SKUStringThe SKU ID with the shipment
Details/QtyIntegerThe quantity of the SKU.
Details/UnitOfMeasureStringThe unit you specified for your SKU quantity.

Response Example

    "asnNumber": "R0430A015",
    "warehouseCode": "USCA01",
    "warehouseNotes": "This shipment will arrive very soon!",
    "customerCode": "TEST",
    "receiptType": "SupplierReceipt",
    "referenceNumber": "PO45003",
    "status": "Creating",
    "uploadTime": "2020-04-30T17:47:52-07:00",
    "details": [
            "sku": "LFT0003",
            "unitOfMeasure": "Each",
            "quantity": 45
            "sku": "LFT0006",
            "unitOfMeasure": "Each",
            "quantity": 500
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