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Get ASN Information

Get your ASN detail information by ASN number.

  • URL: {API root URL}/asns/{ASN Number}
  • Method: GET


URL Parameters

Parameter NameRequiredData TypeDescription
ASNNumberYStringASN Number


Attribute List

Element NameData TypeDescription
CustomerCodeStringYour unique customer code assigned by Best system.
AsnNumberStringThe number you specified to identify this upcoming shipment to Best Inc. fulfillment center.
ReferenceNumberStringSpecified reference number.
WarehouseCodeStringIndicate the Best Inc. fulfillment center your shipment will deliver to.
ReceiptTypeStringThe type of the ASN:
SupplierReceipt. Regular inbound shipment ASN.Return. Return shipment by carrier or end consumer.
UploadTimeDateTimeThe time when Best system gets the ASN Creation request.
ArrivalTimeDateTimeThe time when Best operation team mark the ASN as Arrived.
CloseTimeDateTimeThe time when Best operation team complete the ASN process, all received items become available for order fulfillment after this time.
StatusStringThe status of the ASN:
Creating. System is creating the ASN.Cancelling. System is processing the ASN cancellation request.Void. ASN is cancelled.Error. There are some errors for the ASN.DueIn. ASN is created, waiting for items’ arrival.Arrived. Items arrived to Best warehouse.Inspecting. Best operation team is inspecting arrived items.Receiving. Best operation team is working on the item receiving.Putaway. Best operation team is putting away received items.Closed. All items have been received and put away, the whole ASN is completed.
DetailsArray<Object>The item list in the ASN
Details/SKUStringThe number of the item.
Details/ConditionStringThe condition of the item when arrival, value could be Good or Damaged.
Details/QuantityIntegerThe original quantity of the item. It’s only applicable when Condition is Good, for other condition records, it will be 0 always.
Details/UnitOfMeasureStringThe unit of measure for the item quantity, it’s always Each at this moment.
Details/ReceivedTotalQtyIntegerThe actual received quantity for the item.
Details/ReceivedAvailableQtyIntegerThe quantity of the SKU that is received and put into storage area, ready for order fulfillment.
Details/ReceivedStatusIntegerThe receiving status of the SKU. Please note: this information is only available when an ASN is closed

Response Example

        "asnNumber": "0503A",
        "warehouseCode": "USCA01",
        "customerCode": "USSAND",
        "receiptType": "SupplierReceipt",
        "status": "Closed",
        "uploadTime": "2021-05-03T22:37:08+00:00",
        "arrivalTime": "2021-05-03T22:39:02+00:00",
        "closeTime": "2021-05-03T22:40:05+00:00",
        "details": [
                "sku": "GP0126",
                "condition": "Good",
                "unitOfMeasure": "Each",
                "quantity": 50,
                "receivedTotalQty": 50,
                "receivedAvailableQty": 50,
                "receivedStatus": "Full"
                "sku": "GP1142",
                "condition": "Good",
                "unitOfMeasure": "Each",
                "quantity": 50,
                "receivedTotalQty": 50,
                "receivedAvailableQty": 50,
                "receivedStatus": "Full"
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