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Query ASN List

Get a list of your ASNs.

  • URL: {API root URL}/asns?{query}
  • Method: GET


URL Parameters

Parameter NameRequiredData TypeDescription
PageSizeYIntegerSpecify how many records to return in single call, up to 200.
PageNumberYIntegerSpecify which page you are querying, starts from 1.
FromTimeDateTimeThe start date (only support date level at this moment, time part will be supported in the future) of the ASN uploading time, based on UTC.
ToTimeDateTimeThe end date (only support date level at this moment, time part will be supported in the future) of the ASN uploading time, based on UTC.
FromCloseTimeDateTimeThe start date (only support date level at this moment, time part will be supported in the future) of the ASN close time (the time when the ASN is marked as Completed), based on UTC.
ToCloseTimeDateTimeThe end date (only support date level at this moment, time part will be supported in the future) of the ASN close time, based on UTC.
WarehouseCode StringSpecify the warehouse that the ASN delivers to, value could be “USCA01” or “USNJ01”, empty means querying all applicable warehouses.
AsnNumberStringASN Number
ReferenceNumberStringReference number of the ASN
TypeStringThe type of the ASN, value should be “SupplierReceipt” or “Return”.
StatusStringThe status of the ASN.
SKU StringThe SKU number in the ASN.


Attribute List

Element NameData TypeDescription
TotalCountIntegerThe count of returned records.
PageNumberIntegerSame value in request body.
PageSizeIntegerSame value in request body.
PageCountIntegerIndicate the total page count based the total record count and the page size.
ResultArray<Object>The ASN data list. the detail schema inside this node is same with the response schema of Get ASN Information API.

Response Example

    "totalCount": 19,
    "pageNumber": 1,
    "pageSize": 2,
    "pageCount": 10,
    "result": [
            "asnNumber": "R0430A015",
            "customerCode": "TEST",
            "warehouseCode": "USCA01",
            "receiptType": "SupplierReceipt",
            "referenceNumber": "PO45003",
            "status": "Closed",
            "uploadTime": "2020-04-30T10:47:53-07:00",
            "arrivalTime": "2020-04-30T11:33:03-07:00",
            "closeTime": "2020-04-30T16:54:00-07:00",
            "details": [
                    "sku": "LFT0003",
                    "condition": "Good",
                    "unitOfMeasure": "Each",
                    "quantity": 100,
                    "receivedTotalQty": 97,
                    "receivedAvailableQty": 97
                    "sku": "LFT0003",
                    "condition": "Damaged",
                    "unitOfMeasure": "Each",
                    "quantity": 0,
                    "receivedTotalQty": 3,
                    "receivedAvailableQty": 3
                    "sku": "LFT0006",
                    "condition": "Good",
                    "unitOfMeasure": "Each",
                    "quantity": 500,
                    "receivedTotalQty": 500,
                    "receivedAvailableQty": 500
            "asnNumber": "R0430B4315",
            "customerCode": "TEST",
            "warehouseCode": "USCA01",
            "receiptType": "SupplierReceipt",
            "referenceNumber": "PO4597",
            "status": "DueIn",
            "uploadTime": "2020-04-29T10:47:53-07:00",
            "details": [
                    "sku": "LFT0045",
                    "condition": "Good",
                    "unitOfMeasure": "Each",
                    "quantity": 500,
                    "receivedTotalQty": 0,
                    "receivedAvailableQty": 0
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