Best Inc. offers a serial of APIs for our customer to integrate with us, you can call our APIs in your own system or via your integration partner.
API Environment
Besides production environment, Best Inc. API also provides a Sandbox API environment for your integration testing purpose, which is totally separated environment without any impact to your production. Below are our root URLs of API:
- Production: https://best.azure-api.net/api
- Sandbox: https://best.azure-api.net/api/sandbox
Please Note:
- Sandbox requires separated access credentials.
- Same interfaces for both production and sandbox environment.
- Production and Sandbox are in different environment to avoid any impact to your operations.
Getting Started
- Before you are able to integrate with BEST API, you must have an valid BEST OMS account. Please contact your BEST account manager to sign up.
- Contact Best Integration Team for API credential, a Subscription Key will be provided once your credential is created. Please note: Production and Sandbox environments have different credential.
- Programming in your system. Please always put a field Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key with assigned Subscription Key value in request header for all of your API calls.
- Testing the integrated features.
- Go-live your integration.
Available API Features
Item Management
Item Creation & Update
- Create or Update your SKU information into Best system.
Get Item Information- Query Item List
- Verify Existing Products and Related Information
Item Update by SKU
- Update your SKU information by SKU number
Kit Item Creation
- Create or Update your kit SKU information.
Kit Item Update
- Update your existing kit SKUs.
Get Kit Information
- Verify Existing kit item and related information.
Query Kit List
- Get a list of your kit items with detailed information.
ASN (Advanced Shipping Notice) Management
ASN Creation
- Create ASN for your inventory shipment.
Query ASN List
- Query a list of your ASNs.
Get ASN Information
- Query ASN detail information and current status.
ASN Cancellation
- Use this endpoint to cancel existing ASN that have not already been received by BEST fulfillment center.
Inventory Management
Query Inventory Detail
- Query item inventory data in Different Warehouses.
Query Inventory Batch Info
- Get a list of your item inventory data with batch information.
Inventory Activity Query
- Query inventory change log in Different Warehouses.
Order Management
Order Creation
- Submit order into Best system based on the order you received from your customers or sales channels.
Order Document Uploading
- Submit order attachments for existing orders.
Query Order List
- Query order list by multiple criteria.
- Verify existing orders and related information.
- Matched orders will be returned in the response with paging feature.
Get Order Packages
- Get your Order Packages information by an order number.
Order Cancellation
- Use this endpoint to cancel existing order that have not already been shipped by BEST fulfillment center.
Notification API
- A subscription notice for you to receive notice from USOMS system for different operations.
System Status
Verify Service Status- API Ping
- Test the API connection status by your customer account and API credential.