Inventory Activity Query- Track Inventory Change History in Different Warehouses
Click on the Inventory Activity Query under the Inventory menu in the left navigation to open the page to track the inventory changes for items in different warehouses.
Search Item
The following is the available search criteria that can help locating data easily.
- SKU. The key word to match your SKU #.
- Activity Date. The date when activities started.
- Warehouse. The fulfillment center where the inventory is located.
- Activity Type. Specify the activity that are performed for stock change.
- Item Condition. Filter the available activities by different conditions. Available options:
- All. To search inventory in all conditions.
- Good. To search inventory in shippable condition.
- Damaged. To search inventory is damaged and cannot be shipped.
- Expired. To search inventory that passed specified expiration date. Important! Unshipped inventory that passed expiration date will be moved to the condition of Expired and will not be allocated for any new orders.
- Packing Material Only. Choose this option to include packing material SKUs only.
Inventory activities in multiple warehouses for same items will be listed in multiple lines.
Activity View
- Warehouse. The fulfillment center where the inventory is located.
- Customer. Your account ID assigned BEST system.
- SKU. The key word to match your SKU #.
- Condition. Indicate the item condition.
- Activity Type. Indicate the activity that are performed for stock change.
- Reference #. The identifiers assigned to current transactions when available, order number for example.
- WMS #. The unique warehouse code corresponding to the transaction in BEST system.
- Available. The available quantity for creating new orders.
- Allocated. The quantity that has been assigned to orders and has not been shipped yet.
- Quarantined. The quantity existing in warehouse but not available to order by some reason(s).
- Hold. The quantity that is manually hold in warehouse.
- Due Put Away. Received by ASN and waiting for putting away.
- Missing. The missing quantity found in warehouse in the inventory count process.
- Date. The date and time to identifying when a certain event occurred.
- Note. Reference from BEST fulfillment center.